Business Process Management


  • Say goodbye to paper and manual spreadsheets and hello to maximum efficiency, productivity, and visibility! Plex MES is the only single-instance, multi-tenant cloud-based SaaS production platform that operates at scale. This allows for a common production ecosystem that supports a real-time, single source of data. It can tie production and inventory to quality with end-to-end, detailed traceability. With Plex, you can connect people and systems, automate processes, track data from end to end, and capture and analyze information like never before.

  • Your manufacturing environment directly impacts product quality. When you monitor and control the critical environment conditions, you help ensure quality and compliance. Our validated building management system for pharma production integrates process control and environmental management for enhanced productivity and improved product quality.

  • BioCentriq's MS&T team serves as a hands-on liaison between our partners and our own process development and manufacturing teams, working to consistently improve how therapies are advanced from bench to bedside.

  • Zelta’s EDC has been used in more than 4,000 studies from startup to submission, across all phases, including over 500 phase 3c trials and 23 therapeutic areas.

  • As PFAS and other emerging contaminants of concern are increasingly regulated, De Nora is developing new and effective methods for addressing CECs, innovating for the future.