
Xenos DSR™ - Document Storage Reduction Solution For ECM

Source: Xenos Group, Inc.
The amount of high-volume content such as statements, bills, policies, and correspondence, often referred to as High-Volume Transactional Output (HVTO), being produced by today's large organizations is rising dramatically. As corporate marketing departments fi ll the available white space real-estate found within these HVTO documents with highly composed, graphically rich content the size of these documents has dramatically increased.

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Datasheet: Xenos DSR™ - Document Storage Reduction Solution For ECM

The amount of high-volume content such as statements, bills, policies, and correspondence, often referred to as High-Volume Transactional Output (HVTO), being produced by today's large organizations is rising dramatically. As corporate marketing departments fill the available white space real-estate found within these HVTO documents with highly composed, graphically rich content the size of these documents has dramatically increased. Additionally organizations are now required to store content for prolonged periods of time for eDiscovery and compliance purposes. As a result, the amount of physical storage required by corporate ECM solutions is growing astronomically; and as the storage grows so does the cost associated with that storage, including hardware, backup, power and air conditioning.

As the use of online self-service channels grows and the size of the documents they present increases, the network between the corporate web presence and the internally-housed ECM solution becomes congested and performance degrades. Online users expect immediate response times resulting in aggressive service level agreements (SLAs) from line of business managers. When online document delivery lags due to network over-utilization and ECM I/O (input/output) constraints, both the customer and the business become frustrated.

Xenos DSR functions include:

  • Break apart batched print files
  • Separate duplicate resources from transactional content
  • Extract document metadata from content
  • Load documents, resources and indexes into the ECM solution
  • Version-control resources over time to assure historical accuracy
  • Reduce bandwidth use by caching resources locally
  • Re-constitute documents with 100% accuracy on demand
  • Transform and repurpose document formats as desired

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: Xenos DSR™ - Document Storage Reduction Solution For ECM