White Paper

The Definitive Guide To Optimizing Home Internet For Businesses With Teleworkers

Remote Meeting WFH

This definitive guide is a comprehensive resource full of tips, advice, and examples to help companies optimize the use of home networks for remote workers doing business outside the walls of a normal office. Organizations that consider and understand the constraints of home internet connections can take actions to increase employee productivity and decrease downtime for critical employees working from home. These organizations have better visibility into network issues that impact their WFH teams and mitigating efforts have minimal costs that payoff in results.

Why Optimizing Home Internet for Remote Workers is Important

In the spring of 2020, millions of workers in America were suddenly asked to work from home if possible. Of those who were employed and didn’t work from home already, 57.7% reported that they had recently begun working from home in April 2020.

Almost overnight, the number of remote workers went from 4.7 million to an estimated 92 million. This is stressing networks, application providers, and IT teams like yours who need to optimize these workers’ productivity.

Home internet connections that were once a desert from 8 am to 5 pm are now flooded with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, BlueJeans, Office365, email, and VoIP traffic. In truth, the trend was already toward working from home. The number of remote workers grew 44% over the last five years with no sign of slowing.

In fact, many large tech companies, such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have committed to employees working from home until the end of the year. Some companies have stated that employees never have to return to the office.

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