White Paper

Seven Ways To Use Technology To Maximize The Investment In Your People By Laurel Sanders, Optical Image Technology

Source: Optical Image Technology, Inc.

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Article: Human Resources

The greatest asset any organization has is its people. One of the greatest challenges is managing them effectively and treating them in a manner that is consistent and fair. The ability to keep detailed records, access them quickly when they are needed, inform the right parties of important occurrences, and enable proactive decision making is critical in daily HR processes.

Human resources managers are tasked with managing information from job applicants, employees, and even board members, and the challenges can be daunting. From the posting of a position through an employee's hiring, management, and departure, detailed information has to be provided, collected, and available to meet organizational and regulatory requirements. Applications, resumes, contracts, credentials, records of disciplinary actions, reviews, union vs. non-union forms and contracts, vacations, overtime, comp time, time off requests and productivity reports are just the beginning.

This article will help you understand the instrumental role technology plays in helping to eliminate paper, demonstrating ways in which organizations can streamline processes for consistency, speed, and better service. It will also show how technology can help you comply with regulations by proving consistency and fairness in your interactions with employees.

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Article: Human Resources

Holding a Master of Arts Administration degree from the University of Cincinnati along with a Bachelor's Degree in Vocal Performance from Ithaca College and Ithaca London Center, Laurel has served as the Marketing Director of the four-person marketing team of OIT since August 2004. Regarding OIT, Laurel emphasizes that "she continues to be impressed by OIT's determination to deliver top-quality products and customer services, as well as the management's strong ethical approach to business."