

Did you know we have the largest number of SAP integrations in the world? The customers include Borealis, Pharmacia, Porsche, Sidel, and Emons Spedition. ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices can automatically verify information about vendors, orders, goods received, etc. against your SAP business system. The Integration to SAP R/3 is thoroughly tested, validated, and endorsed by SAP.

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Product Brochure: ReadSoft DOCUMENTS For SAP R/3

ReadSoft DOCUMENTS for Invoices can automatically verify information about vendors, orders, goods received etc against your SAP business system.

At the ultimate level of automation, the invoice is automatically interpreted, verified, validated, and posted to your Accounts Payable. Your staff doesn't even have to see the invoice.

First SAP-validated solution
The Integration to SAP R/3 is thoroughly tested, validated and endorsed by SAP. ReadSoft was the first company to receive a SAP validation for our Invoice processing software.

Ebydos Invoice Cockpit
As a result of an exclusive partnership between ReadSoft and SAP specialists Ebydos AG, we can also offer a complete invoice processing package for the SAP environment. This solution has extensive capabilities to handle the whole invoice workflow inside SAP R3.

The benefits

  • Improved control of cash flow and invoices
  • Increased control of delivered and invoiced goods
  • Improved security
  • Decreased manual work
  • Shorter total processing time
  • Decreased total cost for supplier handling
  • Early notification of errors
We have the largest number of SAP integrations in the world. The customers include Borealis, Pharmacia, Porsche, Sidel, and Emons Spedition.

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Product Brochure: ReadSoft DOCUMENTS For SAP R/3