
Product Cost Management Software For Food Manufacturers

Achieving target cost is especially important in the consumer goods industry due to fierce competition and tight margins.

Our integrated product cost management solution allows customers to identify the best price of a product early in the development process, which could make the difference between success and failure.

Whether your company makes bike helmets, fragrances, chocolate bars or office equipment, product cost management is critical in determining product success.

Companies need standardized costing methods plus consistent data and cost models to achieve accurate estimates. They need repeatable and comparable cost figures, efficient costing processes and transparency of product costs. To optimize product costs, manufacturers need an understanding of cost drivers, cost impact of changes and systematic tracking.

Rich product costing capability provides the entire supply chain with more opportunities to optimize costs that help maximize margins, profits and return on investment. Our integrated product cost management solution combines the power of the world’s leading PLM platform with sophisticated product cost management tools. The ability to target the cost of a product across the lifecycle and create simulation scenarios offers a competitive advantage.