
Perceptive Software For Human Resources

Source: Perceptive Software
As a human resources (HR) professional, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when juggling recruiting processes, payroll inquiries and numerous other tasks. Imagine how that would change if you could minimize paperwork.

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As a human resources (HR) professional, it's easy to feel overwhelmed when juggling recruiting processes, payroll inquiries and numerous other tasks. Imagine how that would change if you could minimize paperwork. No more manually filing and retrieving documents. No more dropping an applicant's information in an interoffice envelope and waiting days for a response.

With ImageNow enterprise document management, imaging and workflow, your HR team can electronically capture personnel documents, store them in a secure, central repository and retrieve them with a single click from any business application. Using ImageNow Workflow, staff members can route documents automatically to the right place, eliminating the paper chase.

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