Case Study

Sweet Success: How Hydrogen Peroxide Transformed Odor Control In Massive Sugar Facility Ponds

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A sugar processing facility was experiencing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) odor issues in their process water stabilization ponds due to anaerobic conditions. The facility’s four identical ponds are 2,500 feet long, 400 feet wide and up to 12 feet deep, with a finger dike down the middle making each pond C-shaped. Each pond can hold approximately 80 million gallons when completely full. Anaerobic conditions develop in the lower layers of these ponds, leading to H2S generation and volatilization. The facility faces stringent seasonal perimeter ambient air quality standards for H2S concentration and is subject to escalating fines with every violation.

In addition, the pond treatment needs are highly variable as high chemical oxygen demand (COD) slugs and/or factory upsets mean that treatment decisions need to be made in real-time, based on measured and expected levels of sulfide, dissolved oxygen, ORP, COD, pH and temperature. Previously, the facility had been utilizing various chemicals, including peracetic acid and catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in totes to mitigate H2S, however, the facility was experiencing difficulty maintaining control of the H2S and was concerned with violating their permit. Given the large surface area and volume of the ponds it was essential that a cost-effective control method be identified and implemented. USP Technologies (USP) was contacted to provide a long term, viable solution.

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