White Paper

EMC Documentum Security — A Comprehensive Overview

Source: EMC Corporation

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White Paper: EMC Documentum Security — A Comprehensive Overvie

Information security has always been a concern of business and government. Tread secrets military plans, profit and loss figures, and legal filings are just a few examples of the intellectual property these organization feel compelled to protect from intruders and from many of their own employees.

Security concerns aren't limited to digital information. If a hard copy proprietary document leaves a company hidden under and employee's raincoat, it's just as devastating as if it work snatched electronically but the incising reliance by business and government on electronic information raises the security stakes exponentially. Digital content is so fluid and portable. With a thumb-sized flash drive, anyone with access could easily pilfer hundreds of important documents. And if an ambitious hacker with malicious intent breaches a corporate or government network, a potentials damage is practically includable.

For governments, geo-political uncertainties also increases the possible risks associated with less than robust security. And for business. Compliance demands and regulatory security have a security dimension as well. Financial institutions, for example, cannot meet their regulatory obligations regarding the safety of customers information without highly develop security procedures and technologies.

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White Paper: EMC Documentum Security — A Comprehensive Overvie