
Cryo Confocal Light Microscope


STELLARIS 5 Cryo Confocal Light Microscope

The STELLARIS 5 Cryo is a confocal light microscope system that helps you to target your area of interest for cryo-electron tomography (CryoET). The STELLARIS 5 Cryo gives you the precision to target reliably, while still offering superior performance you can count on and improved productivity for your experiments.

Your benefits

  • Enjoy simple, robust, and efficient access to cryo-electron tomography for 3D targeted structures
  • Benefit from the unrivaled confocal imaging performance of the STELLARIS 5 system

Our cryo-electron tomography workflow solutions

Our dedicated Coral Cryo 3D cryo-electron tomography workflow solutions ensure sample viability, quality checks and most of all, a precise and reliable 3D targeting mechanism.

The STELLARIS 5 Cryo, including cryostage and shuttle, is designed to be used in conjunction with state-of-the-art CryoET targeting software (LAS X Coral Cryo), as well as a variety of seamless integration and transfer options to cryo FIB or VCT stages.

Boost your productivity with a seamless sample preparation workflow.

The precision to target reliably

For correlative workflows, it is crucial to retrieve the exact target coordinates identified in the cryo light microscope because fluorescence signals are not visible in subsequent electron microscope steps.

Targeting is therefore done in the STELLARIS 5 Cryo microscope with open access coordinates for greater system interoperability.

Our user-friendly LAS X Coral Cryo software module fulfils these needs, featuring innovative interpolation-based 3D targeting that allows precise positioning of open format coordinate markers in the nanometer scale. Different marker types serving different functions are also available for landmark, lamellae and bead marking.

Maximize information from your specimen with LIGHTNING

The synergy between the Power HyD detector family, optimized beam path, and White Light Lasers (WLL) empowers you to obtain more accurate and reliable data.

Maximize the information you extract from your vitrified specimen and get in-depth answers to scientific questions with the unique LIGHTNING detection concept, an adaptive extraction process that reveals fine structures and details in the image information that are otherwise simply not visible.

This allows you to target structures of interest more precisely for the next steps in your EM microscopy workflow.

Performance you can count on

In cryo electron microscopy, ice thickness must be monitored throughout the workflow, and the earlier it is checked and assessed the better. If the ice is too thick, it can cause issues during the milling stage, whereas if it is too thin, this may affect the stability of the sample.

The STELLARIS 5 Cryo offers two modes for ice checking: a fast camera overview and a confocal reflection mode to determine the ice thickness in 3D.

The Cryo CLEM objective HC PL APO 50x/0.90 has been developed to fulfil the specific needs of cryo light microscopy, offering you the advantages of super-resolution without the need for liquid immersion.

The potential to discover more

Within the STELLARIS 5 Cryo, our unique TauSense technology allows you to extract an extra layer of information from every sample and increase the scientific impact of your research.

In addition to the spectral color information, the average arrival time of the photons can be visualized. This can be used to reveal hidden components just by the different fluorescent lifetimes (TauContrast).

Due to the deep temperature during cryo workflows such as Coral Cryo, the emission and excitation windows of fluorophores converge. TauSense allows you to separate overlapping fluorophores due to their different average photon arrival times.

Productivity for your experiments

Throughout all cryo workflows, samples need to be maintained under completely dehumidified and cryogenic conditions as soon as the sample is vitrified.

Our innovative Cryo Microscopy Kit with cryo stage and shuttle ensures a safe, intuitive sample loading and straightforward transfer while maintaining safe cryo conditions for your specimens at all times.

The cryo stage enables you to perform light microscopy under stable cryogenic conditions while allowing all the necessary movements for super resolved 3D imaging by keeping a constant light overpressure of gaseous nitrogen against the surrounding atmosphere

To make the loading process even safer for your samples, an optional cover box hosting the transfer shuttle is available for the loading process to ensure safe loading in all conditions, provide additional process control and extend the safe loading time window.