
Better Inform Your Patients With Veeva eConsent

Veeva eConsent PS

Veeva eConsent simplifies the set-up, completion, and review of consent, reducing administrative burden and ensuring compliance for sites and study teams.

This enables study teams to make patient participation in clinical trials easier through a user-friendly application to access key information and complete consent electronically. Veeva eConsent is free for sites and can be used across all studies to drive efficiency, quality, and provide better patient care.

“Veeva eConsent makes the process easy for our patients and allows us to break down the barriers of paper and location, expanding the reach of our study,” Charles Sydnor, CCRA, ACRP-CP, project manager at Crofoot Research Center.

Benefits for research sites:

  • Free and Validated: Use a free system that is trusted by sponsors and fully validated by Veeva to reduce compliance risk and cost burden.
  • End-to-End: The only eConsent solution that manages the full consenting lifecycle between sponsors, sites, and patients – allowing sites to operate in a single, site-owned system.
  • Complete Visibility: The system’s unique ability to manage both documents and data provides full visibility into all aspects of the consenting process for improved compliance and efficiency.

Benefits for sponsors and CROs:

  • Better Patient Experience: Give patients direct and convenient access to their study documents on their own device via the MyVeeva for Patients app.
  • Reduce Site Burden: Remove administrative burden by using one eConsent system across all studies without the need for additional systems or applications.
  • Faster Study Execution: Accelerate informed consent form (ICF) creation and review by eliminating burdensome manual processes.
  • Stronger Compliance: Stay informed with complete visibility into consent status, streamlining consent monitoring and ensuring study compliance.