News Feature | September 4, 2014

Mysteries Of Content Management Unraveled

By Karla Paris

Content Management

Examining the key trends and challenges that surround document management are at the solution’s core.

A new survey delves into the minds of IT Executives in search of answers to the eternal question - how do I manage my documents?

Docurated’s State of Document Management Report was created to find answers to that question, and following is a sampling of what the survey revealed:

  • The biggest challenges cited by IT Leaders are the inability to find content and poor mobility.
  • Despite the hype around Cloud, 77 percent of respondents still use file servers as their primary storehouse.
  • Document management is a key irritation point and priority; nearly two thirds of IT Executives are investing in Document Management initiatives.
  • 68 percent of organizations have 5 or more storage archives.
  • Cloud Storage is being utilized but more than 79 percent of documents are still stored on-premises.
  • Companies are increasing the number of silos they manage, instead of consolidating the number of storage archives.

When you consider how much attention is given to enterprise file sharing vendors it appears to suggest a new approach is needed.

Docurated enables Sales and Marketing teams to surface and use the exact chart or slide they need, no matter where it is stored, without slogging through folders and files. Docurated seamlessly integrates with existing folder-based repositories unlocking content instantly, giving your team the ability to create new documents with approved collateral in a matter of minutes.

After all, the cloud was meant to mark the end of an ever increasing number of silos and create the seamless sharing of files.

Docurated helps solve the content management problem by separating data from control. File locking for large files becomes easier, backups and disaster recovery become a function of software and not constricted by hardware, and all of the existing assets that companies have can be leveraged effectively.

Source: Forbes