Guest Column | June 14, 2018

How AI Is Changing Content Management

By David Jones, Nuxeo


Automating and simplifying the manner in which employees can engage with content is always top of mind for companies in our data-first world, and in this regard, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role. Machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI-based technologies are not only enabling companies to automate the classification of files and other traditionally-manual processes, but also to intuitively recommend information to users in a personalized manner and to optimize labor-intensive processes.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

It is important to understand what we define as artificial intelligence. This can be open to interpretations, but the most widely accepted is the use of Machine Learning and similar AI technologies to perform tasks that are traditionally done by humans. The tasks that require a minimal level of cognitive thinking (which one could define as tasks that can be performed by a human in less than a second) are in nature the kind of simple processes that can be automated with relatively simple AI techniques available today. Examples of these kinds of tasks include understanding what is in an image, understanding the topic of a text, or predicting the time taken by a specific task.

The Leading Edge Of AI In Content Services

Leading Content Services Platform (CSP) providers have already begun to integrate AI technology into their platform with external APIs such as Google Vision and Amazon Rekognition, with tools that describe enterprise content to make it easier to find. The integration of additional tools will allow enterprise users to create and adapt models to their specific needs in an intelligent and highly-automated manner.

Consider this specific use case: an organization has a massive collection of information assets such as images, files, and documents. For the purpose of this example, let’s say the images are photos from various photoshoots. The company wants to add tags (also known as metadata) to each digital asset in order to index and save time on search-related tasks.

AI-powered content management tools can help create a processing chain that integrates the existing AI-based APIs for object detection. The output sees the CSP identify the list of objects present within the image being indexed. With these tags automatically added to each digital asset, the organization can search for photos that contain, for example, a handbag and a motorbike. And, because of the highly-scalable CSP, all the pictures can be processed in an infinitely faster and more accurately than if a human had performed the task.

CSPs With AI: Modular And Dynamic In Nature

As the users access the photos, they may notice that their latest product is not recognized properly by the AI. To address this, they can retrain or refine the model. This is as simple as providing the correct tags to the new product images to the AI - and the AI will take it from there.

And that logic applies to any other aspect of an image that is required. If there is a business value in knowing if a picture was taken indoor or outdoor, or identifying a particular brand of sports car, of the breed of dog in an image - No problem. Once again, a simple refinement of the model allows for new pictures to be initially annotated by humans to assist with the learning process, and the AI will dynamically adapt moving forward.

As leading vendors looks at other ways to further leverage AI, we will see increasingly innovative ways to create and integrate AI algorithms with CSPs in ways that reduce manual human interaction and ultimately deliver real-world value to enterprise businesses.

The arrival of AI is a key inflection point in the ongoing journey to truly revolutionize Content Services. The market is poised for additional advances with AI, not just as a tool for metadata extraction, but also as a key technology for automating decision-making and personalizing content delivery. AI is helping CSPs scale to new heights, with the first 10b-object benchmark in the industry on the horizon and potentially new applications that will entirely change how digital assets are created, managed, and distributed.

About The Author

David is an established thought leader and speaker within the information management space and can regularly be seen and heard at related events, webinars and forums globally. He is Director of Product Marketing at Nuxeo, a leader in modern enterprise content services platform solutions. He is responsible for driving forward all aspects of marketing the Nuxeo content services platform globally. He has worked with technologies such as analytics, cloud, and electronic content management in a wide range of vertical industries for over 20 years, and has occupied roles with AIIM and Hyland, respectively.