
Filtomat AMF (Microfiber Filters)

Filtomat AMF (Microfiber Filters)

Innovative self-cleaning microfiber water filters for treatment as fine as 2 micron.

Flowrates: up to 1400 US gpm (320 m3/h)
Filtration degrees: 20 - 2 micron
Water for cleaning: less than 1% of the total flow
Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)


  • TSS, NTU & SDI reduction for potable and waste water applications
  • Effective removal of Giardia Cysts
  • Cartridge performance without cartridge replacement
  • Outperforms traditional sand media systems
  • Pre-filtration for R.O. desalination and other sub micron systems
  • Provide complete water treatment and filtration solutions for Municipalities
  • Environmentally friendly no chemical treatment required