
Brainware Distiller For Remittances

Source: Brainware, Inc.
Brainware Distiller for Remittances speeds up remittance reconciliation from hours or days to seconds. This accelerated cycle time provides near real-time access to the status of your receivables, allowing you to make more informed financial decisions. Additionally, you will gain insight into the overall efficiency of your remittance processing—from receipt to reconciliation—as well as a complete audit trail of who did what and when.

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Distiller for Remittances can extract the data from multi-page, multi-table, very complex remittance statements in a matter of seconds. For example, a remittance statement containing over 455 distinct line items, averaging 25 characters each, would take an expert data entry clerk about 51 minutes to key in, whereas Distiller can extract the data in less than 5 seconds.


  • Input remittance statements from any source (including scan, email, fax and others) and in any format (including TIF, PDF, DOC, XLS and many more).
  • Extract field and line item data at 80-90% accuracy without templates, keywords or scripted rules.


  • Reconcile extracted information against known sources to ensure accuracy and validity independent of misspellings and optical character recognition (OCR) errors.
  • Integrate indexing information and extracted data into existing enterprise application architecture, without disrupting business processes.


  • Gain new insight into documents using Brainware's full text, fault tolerant search platform.

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Brainware Distiller For Remittances Brochure