
a2ia DocumentReader: Advanced OCR, ICR and IWR Technology

Source: A2iA Corporation

a2ia DocumentReader is a powerful document classification and key-field extraction toolkit that drives successful workflow automation for even the most complex of documents. Backed by more than 25 years of research and development, A2iA’s key differentiator is its ability to provide tangible results by automatically classifying all types of data, including complex and cursive handwriting, and locating key fields for recognition.

Complex documents are known to be problematic for businesses trying to automate their workflow. Typically relying on human paper-handling to evaluate, decipher and classify the information, this slows productivity and increases costs and processing times.

a2ia DocumentReader eliminates these operational headaches by automating the unnecessary manual tasks, translating into improved access to information, data accuracy and company profitability.

It’s that simple.